Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today's Beauty Issues

Weight Loss..Is it possible?

The right approach to weight loss will guarantee your success. Ask yourself the following questions.

1) Why do I want to lose weight?

If you answered "I want to look good for a party" or "I want to look good for a high school reunion". Then there is no way you will succeed to lose the weight and keep it off. This is because as soon as your party or reunion is over, you will go right back to your previous lifestyle and eat all the food you've been depriving yourself earlier. As a result, you may even gain more weight than you have lost.

f you truly want to be successful, then you should want the weight to come off and stay off permanently.

2) What am I willing to do to lose this weight?

Yes, it does take some sacrifice to lose weight. You can't expect to lose weight by doing nothing. Especially since doing nothing was what got you here in the first place.

If you answered "I want to workout regularly and eat the right foods, but I just don't have the time because I'm just too busy." Then you're just giving yourself an excuse to do nothing. Honestly, if you have time to watch your favorite TV shows every night or if you have time to drive to a restaurant, wait to be seated, wait to order and wait to get your food, then you have time to plan and make your own meal.

If you find this question too hard to answer, try breaking it down by setting mini goals. "What am I willing to do to lose 5 lbs and keep it off?" Here are some little things you can do.

- Drink more water or flavored water instead of soft drinks.
- Work out during the commercials while you're watching TV. Do jumping-jacks, crunches, push-ups, bicep curls, etc...
- Eat slower. Try chewing slower and take a sip of water between each bite. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to take your brain that it's full. So try to take 20 minutes or more to finish your meal.
- If you want to eat some potato chips, ice cream or anything else that is bad' for you, then put some into a small bowl and eat it slowly and really savor and enjoy it. A little indulgence here and there is ok, just don't keep refilling the bowl.

Once you're achieved your mini goal, set a new one and add healthier foods and more exercise to your lifestyle.

3) When will I be satisfied?

Different people have different standards of success. One person may be completely happy with their body while carrying 20-30 lbs of extra weight while others may never be happy until they look like swimsuit models. Decide for yourself what you want to achieve and what will make you happy.

Good luck!

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